Public Vote Function Now Active!

Have Your Say in the Strip Appeal Strip Mall Design Competition Public Choice Vote!

The Public Choice Vote is now Active! Voting runs till Mon Jan 16th 12 noon MST

You can vote for your favourite from the shortlist and have your say in the Public Choice Winner.

How the vote system works on the website:

1. each submission has a vote icon.
2. votes are made by clicking on the icon of a chosen submission and voters will be asked to give their email address.
3. an email will then be sent to the provided email address where voters will be asked to confirm their vote, directing them back to the website.
4. only one vote from an email address will be counted.

To inform your choice you may want to read some of the recent press coverage for Strip Appeal:

Rooftop soccer, outdoor movies: the new strip mall? –   Globe and Mail

Mall Stripped Bare – National Post

Canada’s Strp Malls Crumble Towards Extinction  –  National Post

U of A asks designers to rethink ’50-era strip malls  –  Edmonton Journal

Strip Malls getting extreme makeover   –  The Chronicle Herald (Halifax)

Redesigning the strip mall – Metro

Strip appeal – UofA Reseach

Happy Voting!






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